Our Essence

A community of travellers on a voyage to self-discovery. Jaunts queries the mind on how it can contribute solutions to our problems while strengthening in our subconsciousness the ability to vanquish all hindrances to happiness, safety and self-actualisation.
We publish books that ferry readers through the real-life experiences of people who have traversed the unimaginable pain of the ego, gone through the duality of reality and have discovered their essence.
Jaunts offers endless montly giveaways and once a year, there is a one week all-expense paid trip to five community members and their plus-ones to discover the healing power of Middle-Italy, to meditate as a group, to project a reality and work towards its realisation. Our goup vacation includes a stay in Florence and a reconnection with nature by visiting the natural wonders of Tuscany and exploring her little magical towns of Siena, San Gimignano, Pisa, Luca, Livorno, Montalcino and Cinque Terre.
In a world where manifestation is infinite, we as a community believes that our thoughts are all of our leanings, our emotions are the aggregation of our experiences and hence our faith or lack of it, our race and identity, our social standing and personage has no bearing in our jaunts to discovering our essence.
Check-out our latest books.

In a world inundated with data, information, and constant news, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain. Our society seems to be in rapid transformation and trust in institutions have waned, leaving many of us questioning what is true and how to navigate the chaos. Amidst this turmoil, Illumine emerges as a beacon of light, a timeless virtue that transcends mere intelligence.
Through a blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights, this book serves as a guiding light for those seeking to embrace the richness of the human experience and cultivate a deeper sense of wholeness in their lives by helping them discern what truly matters among myriad choices. It is not a collection of old proverbs, rather, it is the encompassment of the collective insights of entire civilizations. From the practices of the Indian valley societies to the harmonious teachings of Chinese traditions and the philosophical musing of ancient Greece to the knowledge of the Natives, and into our modern experiences. These timeless truths connect us across ages, empowering us to live holistically, integrating mind, body, and the Unseen.
Sagacity is not a thing for the most privileged, it is within reach to us all, and as our worlds continue on a polarized path, Illumine reaffirms the importance of discovering our primary essence. It calls us to self-transcendence, tranquillity, and elevated insight. Helping us to neutralize hyper-partisanship and vitriol. Leading us out of our preconceptions and social-induced reasonableness, so we can rise above conflict and dehumanization. As pests attacks the weakest plants in the garden, lack of self-awareness makes us vulnerable to the exploiters and manipulators of our energies, blinding us to true reality and we become subject to duality and its tools of ideological battles. Let wisdom guild you toward a higher understanding and a nobler existence.
In a world craving meaning, Illumine becomes a compass.

In the heart of Africa, young Paris resides with his family amidst the comforts of a middle-class existence. Despite the outward appearance of contentment, Paris harbors a secret so profound that its revelation threatens to unravel the very fabric of his life.
As a child, Paris believes he can confide in his father, trusting him with his truth. However, his father, entrenched in a society that vehemently rejects such truths, responds with attempts to "cure" his son through brutal means, leaving Paris not only battered physically but scarred emotionally by the denial of his true self.
We journey alongside Paris through his formative years into adulthood, witnessing his elaborate efforts to conceal his authentic self from the world, even creating an alter ego, Hector, who embodies strength and stoicism. Yet, when Paris unexpectedly falls in love, the carefully constructed walls around his identity begin to crumble, forcing him to confront his deepest truths.
Faced with the choice between conformity and soul-preservation, Paris is compelled to flee not only his home and family but the entire African continent. His quest for survival becomes a journey of self-discovery as he grapples with the daunting task of shedding his metaphorical mask and embracing his true essence. Along the way, he encounters others who, like him, must navigate the treacherous waters of societal condemnation, facing threats from murderers, rapists, extortionists, and jihadists. In this perilous landscape, survival is far from guaranteed.
Pariah, The Price of Freedom is a retelling of a true-life story—a gripping exploration of the unknown and a courageous odyssey to reclaim the right to exist authentically regardless of the cost.
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